As economist I work with

  • Creating overview of financing needs

  • Simulation of the impact of price development on the overall portfolio

  • Consolidation of budgets and budget changes

  • Billing of invoices related to projects

Some of the worst things an economist knows is when


Project managers have not filled out their spreadsheet templates correctly


The reasons for budget changes are unclear


When the numbers do not match – probably due to poor data quality in the received spreadsheets

the economist

  • Makes the budget a solid asset in daily governance. This gives the project manager a strong incentive to keep updated and correct budgets.
  • Supports effective and clear communication on budget changes, from proposal to approval.
  • Removes the need to consolidate spreadsheets – all relevant data is collected in one place.
  • Provides user-friendly digital tools to ensure high data quality throughout the project organization.
  • Make it easy to set budget based on price indices and simulate the effect of price changes.

Budgeting /  Approval flows  /  Contract management  /  Price Development

"Captyst har givet os effektiv økonomistyring og governance – det har imponeret vores revision. Samtidig er hverdagen blevet nemmere for både projektledere og ledelse."

Berit Steenstrup Damm

Økonomi- og Proceschef, Nyt Hospital og Ny Psykiatri Bispebjerg

"Efter at have været på et tre dages introduktionskursus til et stort ERP system, var det en sand fornøjelse at blive introduceret til Captyst. Det var nemt at bruge, relevant for hvad jeg laver, og det blev med det samme klart, hvorfor vi havde behov for det."

Projektleder, Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri

Captyst |  Copenhagen

Østergade 17, 2. sal
1100 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel: +45 50 49 68 78
Email: [email protected]

Captyst |  Aarhus

Skæringvej 88,
8520 Lystrup Denmark

Tel: +45 50 49 68 78
Email: [email protected]

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